From the concept to the finished product: the entire development process of our LED lighting solutions is Made in Germany! Our robust high-end lights are completely developed, produced, assembled and tested in Schwaikheim. Our products are constantly optimized and innovations are implemented. So they offer our customers real added value: Whether through cost savings, quality improvements, productivity increases or the introduction of completely new fields of application.

What we can do:
The LED Experience
LED engineering
The basis for the ideal light

- Lighting concept
- Mechanical construction
- Electrical construction
- Small/large series production
- Testing laboratory
If you want to develop LED lighting systems, you don‘t just have to understand LEDs. Because innovative LED lighting solutions do not simply come from the light, but from the engineering behind them. We have decades of experience in the field of electrical engineering and have accompanied the development of LED technology right from the start. This knowledge is contained in each of our lights.
The boards and the entire electronics behind our LED lighting units are developed by us ourselves for the respective application. We combine high-quality components with ingenious technical solutions and thus ensure optimum thermal management with an optimised, compact design. In addition, we place high demands on the design of our LED lights.
The DIANA standard
High vertical range of manufacture directly at the headquarters in the Stuttgart region

- Chipping
- SMT production/PCB assembly
- Adhesive, dosing and potting technology
- Assembly
- Quality assurance
As a quality supplier, we have the development and almost the entire manufacturing process in-house. From machining of components to SMT production and assembly, we carry out everything ourselves. Efficient and clean processes are guaranteed by our quality management and ensure the high quality of every single DIANA light.
Light simulations from DIANA
Perfectly planned lighting solutions!

- Development of professional lighting concepts according to your specifications
- Selection of suitable light sources (type, number, positioning, ...) in order to achieve the lighting objective (brightness, luminance distribution, viewing angle, ...)
- Verification and optimization of the lighting concept using simulation software
- Control of the luminance distribution of the lighting in the working area
- Consideration of all light-relevant components, the photometric properties of the materials used and the parameters for installation space and design flexibility Calculating light pays off: Talk to us!
In order to find the optimal lighting solution for you, our lighting engineers will be happy to add a software simulation based on your CAD machine data to the lighting concept that has been worked out.
DIANA testing laboratory
Measure. Check.

- Spectral analysis
- Photometry
- Experiment & testing
- Thermal testing
- Consideration of all light-relevant components, the photometric properties of the materials used and the parameters for installation space and design flexibility Calculating light pays off: Talk to us!
To achieve impressive results in industrial lighting applications, we test and inspect our LED lights and modules extensively. In addition to fixed parameters, thermal management is also monitored. Our light laboratory is equipped with modern light measurement technology for testing LEDs in the entire spectral range from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR).
OEM development
Thought through from the beginning.

- Planning
- Design, construction & development
- Prototype construction
- Experiment & testing
- Validation
Our services cover all requirements around special and series development. From the concept to the finished product. Here we have a special focus on industrial applications. We offer the entire OEM development process from a single source.
Get a free consultation now
With experience from over 800 projects, our experts will find the perfect solution for your situation!